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Miss Hazel will definitely put a smile on your face and get your adrenaline going! With its ever-twisting melody, this Tina Brooks composition is a fantastic addition for musicians of all levels. The Latin groove on the B section adds an appealing bit of contrast and nicely complements the themes of the melody. This is a also great choice for working on your II-V-I and II-V soloing. Our audio excerpt begins at the four-bar introduction and continues through the head, fading out in the middle of the C section. We recommend that rhythm section musicians choose our Concert Condensed Score to see the melody, counter lines and hits neatly contained on one page.
Hazel was one of Tina's older sisters. All of Tina's siblings outlived him, including his tenor-sax-playing brother, David "Bubba" Brooks. Tina wrote David The King for him, and it was recorded on the album "The Waiting Game."
Check out other titles recorded on the "True Blue" session.
Harold Floyd "Tina" Brooks and his twin brother Harry were born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, becoming the youngest of eight children. The family moved to NYC in 1944. By then, Harold was already being called Tina (pronounced Teena), a grade school nickname that came from his tiny or teensy size. Around this time, he started playing the C Melody saxophone, studying with his 10 year older brother David "Bubba" Brooks, Jr. Bubba had become an established R&B tenor saxophonist, and in late 1950, Tina subbed for Bubba for a few months in pianist Sonny Thompson's R&B band. Tina made his first recording with this band. Read more...