For Instrumentalists

These unique "Minus You" tracks give melody players or each rhythm section member the chance to substitute for the original players. Click on the blue MINUS categories below for more information and to listen to the titles that are available for your instrument.

  • These are great accompaniment tracks for any melody instrumentalist: learn and perfect melody approaches and phrasing and take solo choruses with a great rhythm section. Sometimes there are two track editions available: a performance edition and a longer practice edition with more solo space. Click here for a brief explanation.

  • As pianist, you become the pianist at the recording session. You get to lock in with the original rhythm section players to accompany the melody sections, then you comp for the soloists as well as take your own solo.

  • As bassist, you become the bassist at the recording session. You are the foundation of the recording's rhythm section—there's no other bass player on the track but you! You've got to make the other musicians on the recording sound comfortable playing with you.

  • As drummer (with no other drummer to contend with), first lock up with the bassist while also fitting in with the pianist for the melody sections. Then, while locked in with the bassist, you can dance with the soloists. Some recordings also have drum solo sections (4s, 8s, etc.) Always remember, what's going to "get you the gig" is how well you fit into the arrangement and comp for soloists, not how well you take a drum solo!

  • TRIO (minus melody: bass & drums only)
  • Play the melody and all the solos, accompanied only by bass & drums.

  • Serious arrangements featuring the rhythm section, with individual parts and Minus You tracks. Your chance to lock into an intricate rhythm section environment and master it.

  • Both parts written out, plus audio tracks of each part separately, so you can play along with either part. Turns practice into fun

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    If you're a Guitarist, don't feel left out of our rhythm section. You have many choices:
    1] With the minus melody track, you play the melody and are the only soloist, backed by piano, bass & drums.
    2] With the minus piano track, you take over the pianist's comping and solo roles.
    3] With the trio (minus melody: bass and drums only) you play, instead of piano
    4] Rhythm Section Workshop - you play, instead of piano

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