Terms of Service

All products on this site are downloadable. You must download them from the links on your receipt, or from your account, and save them to your own computer, then print as necessary. Download links are available until the link has received three (3) clicks. However, if something has happened and you need to get the music again, call us and we'll try to help. Best phone number is 212-741-1175 and we're in the U.S. on Eastern Standard Time in the U.S.A. You can also email don@secondfloormusic.com. Thanks!

jazzleadsheets.com cannot accept "returns," since one cannot "return" a digital product. Thus, all sales are binding. Questions and problems (missing or corrupted data, etc.) should be addressed to don@secondfloormusic.com. Email inquiries will be answered within 24 hours if possible. If you don't get an answer by email, call us at 212-741-1175.

We know that digital lead sheets can be copied and shared with ease. Please understand that this is both illegal and immoral. Each composer represented on this site receives proper royalties on purchases of his or her compositions. Copying lead sheets deprives composers of well-deserved compensation. If you like a composer well enough to purchase his or her music, don't send copies to your friends. Ask them to purchase the music themselves.

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