Singers' Corner

Come to our Singers' Corner to take your repertoire beyond standards into rich and exciting compositions from top jazz composers. From new lyrics to hit instrumental compositions to rare finds that are just being recorded for the first time, the Singers' Corner will expand your repertoire and improve your artistry. You can easily preview a song by clicking on the play button before each song title. Clicking on the song title takes you to that song's page for more information.

Scroll down to check out some of the singers (in alphabetical order) who have recorded our songs. You can filter results by using the dropdowns on the left. To see results, you'll have to scroll down the page. Check out our Special Features below: accompaniment-only practice tracks (MINUS YOU), and vocal transcriptions (VOCAL MELODY TRANSCRIPTIONS).

      Practice tracks by a professional ensemble to help you learn and rehearse new songs. It's fun and rewarding to record yourself singing along with the minus you track—analyze your own performance to improve your skills.

      Melody transcriptions of master vocalists, complete with phrasing and articulations.
      Titles in composer/lyricist order. You can filter by concert key, range and style. If you're interested in minus you tracks, click on MINUS YOU above.

If another key would be better for you, send the key you'd like to Don and we'll post the transposition on the website for purchase. If you're not sure which key is best, send us your range and we'll work with you to figure out the best key.

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