• Click on the blue topics on the right for samples of our leadsheets, tutorials and guides for each section.

  • Explore the website using the navigation bar present at the top of every page. On mobile, it's collapsed into a single "Menu" dropdown. You can also navigate using the SEARCH bar on the top right of every page to find specific song titles, composers, album titles and musicians. Tip: type the title of a standard in that box and you'll see all the titles based on those changes.
  •         -- Type in blue means it's a link: click on it to go to the target..
  •         -- The up and down arrow keys are useful on any page to move vertically, as is the HOME key, to get to the top search box.
  •         -- Using the BACK button in some browsers, especially after you've clicked on tabs on song product pages, may not seem to be effective, but you can always use SEARCH or the top navigation bar.

  • • The HOME page is a portal for our featured content, including videos, recording anniversaries, new arrivals, latest blog updates and recent tweets. If you're looking to stay up to date, the home page is the best place to see what we're up to.
  •        -- Click on the dots under the video box to see other slides or videos
  •        -- Click on the play button in front of a song name to play the audio clip
  •        -- Click on the song name to go to the song detail page

  • • Clicking SONGS on the main navigation bar will take you to our full catalog organized alphabetically by composer. Use the filters on the side to browse by key or style and find transcribed solos, or use the Search for Song, Composer or Style box. This search is different from the one at the top of every page; it only looks for our composers, their songs and styles.
  •        -- Click on a song title to go to that song's product page
  •        -- On a song's product page, the album cover is shown, along with the audio player. If there's more than one album cover, click on the second one to hear the audio clip and to see details associated with it.
  •        -- Almost all of the audio tracks demonstrating the songs are available online: click the BUY MP3 button at the right end of the audio player on each song's detail page to go to or iTunes, where you can purchase the track.
  •        -- Each song has a Description tab and a Historical Notes tab. Click on the tab headings to learn more.
  •        -- Some songs have other tabs for associated content, like Piano, Bass and Drum Corner or Solos. Sometimes there's a small play icon in the text for an audio clip.

  • • Clicking COMPOSERS on the main nav bar takes you to an alphabetical list of all composers on the site. Click a letter, then choose a composer from the list. The composer's page will open with a list of all compositions at the top, bio at the bottom. As on other pages, you can click on a play button to play the audio clip, and/or click on the song name to go to the song's detail page.

  • • The FEATURES dropdown menu offers an in-depth look at special product categories.
  •       -- Transcribed Solos are organized by artist; use the SOLOS dropdown to filter by instrument
  •       -- Piano, Bass, Drum, Guitar and Singers' Corners have instrument-specific information and are organized by artist
  •       -- Quintet/Sextet shows all songs with second and/or third parts
  •       -- Minus You titles have audio tracks without the melodies or without individual rhythm section parts
  •       -- Exclusive Audio shows recordings available exclusively here, often created by
  •       -- Form: choose from Rhythm Changes, Blues or songs Based on Standard Changes
  •       -- Songs with videos: see performances by the composers and more
  •       -- Albumsa gallery of album covers, in leader last name order. Hover over a cover to see how many titles from that album are currently on Click on the cover to go to audio clips and a list of those songs.

  • NEWS will keep you up-to-date on our latest projects. The news page can be explored via the monthly archives or the tag cloud.

  • • Learn more about and the people behind it under ABOUT US.

  • • If you have any questions, look through our guides on the right column of this HELP section or email
  • or
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