Minus Piano

All the titles listed below have audio tracks without Piano. Filter by key and style, if desired, by using the dropdowns on the left or investigate what we currently have available by scrolling down this page of alphabetical composers and their song titles.

• The audio button in front of every title on this page plays an excerpt of the full recording. Clicking on any song title takes you to that song's page. Click on the Minus You tab for details and a sample of the Minus Piano track.

• Many songs have two different minus piano track options:
    -- In a quartet, quintet or sextet setting, you substitute for the original pianist for the entire recorded track, comping for melody sections and other soloists plus soloing yourself.
    -- Our trio (minus melody: bass & drums only) tracks are total features for the pianist: you play the melody and are the only soloist, accompanied by bass and drums.

We suggest which part to get for each arrangement (Piano, Condensed Score, etc.). The part includes the basic information as to solo order and number of solo choruses. The Minus You tab has a full explanation of the part and the arrangement format as well as an audio clip.

Click here for tips from producer Don Sickler.

Check out our RHYTHM SECTION WORKSHOP for seriously challenging trio music.

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