Blues Run – Kenny Drew, Sr.
A fun stop-time blues head, originally recorded with the bass doubling the piano melody.
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- Recording: Kenny Drew - And Far Away
- Recorded on: February 21, 1983
- Label: Soul Note (SN 1081)
- Concert Key: G
- Style: Swing (medium up)
- Guitar - Philip Catherine
- Piano - Kenny Drew
- Bass - Niels Henning Orsted Pedersen
- Drums - Barry Altschul
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In this arrangement, the bass doubles the piano melody. The guitar plays the hits with the drums. On the 9th and 10th measures, the guitar plays half-note chords; the drums are not playing here. Kenny is the only soloist on the recording.

Kenny Drew, Sr.
Aug 28, 1928 – Aug 4, 1993
Kenny Drew was born in New York City. He studied classical piano but soon turned to jazz. His recording career started in 1950 at age 22, first with Howard McGhee for Blue Note, then Sonny Stitt for Prestige. These two 1950 recordings plus a surviving radio broadcast with Charlie Parker (December 8, 1950) put him in the company of jazz greats J.J Johnson, Max Roach and Art Blakey. Read more...