Minus You Guide

On any individual song page sometimes you'll find several different album covers. Clicking on each album cover gives you information about that specific recording and what parts are available for it. Once you've identified the Minus You recording cover, you'll see which part you should get.

Naming our parts:
Some of our Minus You parts are separate editions. Some of them are regular lead sheet parts. If our lead sheet edition part is also to be used as a Minus You minus melody part, to go along with a separate Minus You audio track, you'll find that the lead sheet will have the following footnote: "*This is also the Minus You part." Details about the Minus You solo format are included on the parts.

When we feel a separate minus melody part is necessary, to avoid confusion with a lead sheet edition, we are labeling the applicable parts:
C treble clef instruments
B♭ instruments
E♭ instruments
C bass clef instruments

Rhythm Section part variations:
Some lead sheet edition parts are applicable for a rhythm section player, and will be so marked.
rhythm section - this part is for all rhythm section players

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