We’re gearing up for some exciting new changes. In late summer/early fall 2014, you’ll be seeing an entirely new look for jazzleadsheets.com, with completely new, intuitive browsing features; a modern, responsive design; and best of all, mobile capabilities — so you can find the music you love no matter where you are! Don’t worry about your account information: it will be migrated over to the new website. We can’t wait to see you over there!

In order to maintain the quality of service you’ve come to expect from us, we’ll be raising our prices with the launch of the new website. We’ve always tried to keep our prices low so as many musicians as possible can enjoy playing our music. But as we keep expanding, we’ve outgrown our current website and need the resources to continue growing and developing this wonderful music. The increase in prices will also support our composers and allow us to start initiatives to promote and produce jazz in new ways while still maintaining accurate, clear, and beautiful lead sheets at a price everyone can enjoy. This fall, keep an eye out for new practice tools, exclusive audio releases, and a rhythm section workshop. With all these great resources and ways to share them, there’s never been a better time to be a jazzleadsheets.com supporter.

What’s hot this summer?

The temperature has been blazing at our office and the music has been just as steamy. We've got three new composers joining our roster, adding to our growing list of contemporary jazz artists with exciting modern music. Of course, it wouldn’t be a true jazzleadsheets.com update without a nod to our classic composers, so start off your summer sets with a pick from the venerable J.J. Johnson: Commutation.

Wayne Escoffery
The newly appointed winner of Downbeat’s Critic’s Poll for Rising Star Tenor Saxophonist joins us with a unique and enrapturing composition. Tell Me Why is sure to renew your set list with its elaborate layers that combine to create a beautiful, sweeping exploration.

Grant Stewart
Hot enough for you? Maybe it’s time to sip on a bit of this Scotch Thing, a supremely cool, relaxed, slow swing. Our editions include lead sheets from two recordings so you can see how the composition adapts to different arrangements. Why not try them both and compare?

David Hazeltine
Our last update welcomed two members of the hard-bop collective One For All, Eric Alexander and Jim Rotondi. Now their accomplished pianist joins us with two exciting compositions. Intended to be played in unison, both One For Peter and Pete’s Sake will challenge your combo to coordinate and work together on quick, bop-influenced lines. Get ready for a wild ride!

Focus On Bass

Are you a bass player, or do you know one who’s looking to get some shedding? Our two David Hazeltine pieces were inspired by the great Peter Washington and both feature full transcriptions of everything he plays on the tracks. Any bass lover should be sure to check out One For Peter and Pete’s Sake! Not enough bass for you? Scotch Thing has a bass solo transcription of Peter Washington as well!

Keep playing the music!

photo credit: ataferner via photopin cc