In addition to four new lead sheets (including a melody transcription) and a transcribed solo, introduces our new Drum Corner with an in-depth look at the artistry of master drummer Philly Joe Jones.
Drum Transcription: Philly Joe Jones’s performance on No Room For Squares (the master take).
Of course, drum solos are important to drummers, but equally important (if not more important) is how a master drummer accompanies the ensemble. Therefore, our transcription starts with Philly Joe’s great hi-hat work on the intro under the horn line, followed by his intricate interplay during the opening melody. Everything Philly Joe plays during his delicious exchanges of “fours” with Hank Mobley and Lee Morgan is also transcribed. Joe’s interplay during the out melody and coda ends the transcription.
Also, unique to our drum transcriptions, the melody sections are shown above the drum staff (in concert key). Now you can see exactly how the drummer is reacting to the horns!
The transcription was done by drummer Evan Hughes, a new member of my staff.
Please visit our Drum Corner and tell your drummer friends it, and also about Evan Hughes’ jazz drummer blog at It’s a great resource for anyone interested in jazz drumming.

Blue Bossa - Kenny Dorham gave me the opportunity to create a new edition of this important Kenny Dorham “jazz standard.” I’m sure practically every musician has at least heard “Blue Bossa,” if not played it. But have you really checked out the first recording of it? Are you aware that K.D.’s melody was created around a bass line that was equally important to Kenny? Now, in our C edition, you’ll see the melody with the bass line added under it on a separate staff for both the head and K.D.’s shout chorus.

It’s No Time To Be Blue - Kenny Dorham, Kenny Burrell and Larry Jackstien
When Kenny Burrell called and told me he wanted to write a lyric to his good friend Kenny Dorham’s composition, Blue Bossa, I knew his lyric would fit K.D.’s melody perfectly. Kenny Burrell sang this lyric on his 2003 CD “Blue Muse” on the Concord label.

Minor Ballade - Don Friedman
This is a beautiful modulating ballad by Don Friedman, described more fully in our notes. I feel it’s important to be able to examine in detail an artist/composer’s interpretation of his melody, so I’ve also transcribed his performance of the opening melody.

Minor Mode - Booker Little (plus Booker’s trumpet solo)
This is Booker Little’s first recorded composition. His recording career started only a month earlier. Although Booker only lived to be 23 years of age, fortunately he left us with quite a few recorded compositions and solos to study. He was one of the great jazz trumpet players and a mature composer at an early age.

--Don Sickler