• The column on the right of the SONGS page shows all the songs by composer. You can search for a Song or Composer or Style by typing in the small search box at the top of the list. Matches will immediately appear. Click on the play button to hear the audio clip, or click on the song name to go to the song detail page. You can also use the scroll bar (far right, slider is grey) to browse the list, or use the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard.
• The options on the left provide ways to filter the list of songs. Click a dropdown arrow to reveal the choices, then click on the key or style you're interested in. You can combine filters, for example, all songs in A minor that are Latin, as the example illustrates. Click on the X in front of the option to remove that filter.
• Click on a play button to hear that Song's audio clip.
• Click on a song name to go that Song's detail page.