Life's Mosaic – Cedar Walton & John & Paula Hackett

The simple, soaring melody of this uptempo Latin song makes it a great opportunity for singers to work on their individual phrasing and embellishment. The many recordings are all quite different, offering a wide variety of interpretations in different keys.

Cedar Walton

Cedar Walton

Jan 17, 1934 – Aug 19, 2013

Cedar Walton is widely celebrated as one of the all-time master jazz pianists and composers. Many of his songs are well established in the repertoire of jazz standards, including Firm Roots, Bolivia, Ugetsu, and Mosaic. His lyrical soloing and sensitive accompanying can be heard on countless classic recordings, in the company of a host of fellow jazz legends throughout his long career. Read more...

John & Paula Hackett

John & Paula Hackett

born on Jan 1, 1970

Paula Hackett is a poet, lyricist, and spoken word artist who has collaborated with several jazz musicians. She has recorded two albums of her own poetry, both in duo settings with pianists: "Roulette" from 2007 with Rudi Wongozi, and "Sharing The Thrill" in 2011 with Connie Crothers. As a lyricist, she collaborates with her brother, John Hackett. Their most recorded lyric is Life's Mosaic, a vocal version of Cedar Walton's classic Mosaic. This song was originally recorded on an album by vocalist Diane Witherspoon, "You May Never Know," consisting of nine Walton compositions with John and Paula's lyrics and featuring Walton himself on piano. Read more...

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