Ritha – Larry Young, Jr.

One of Larry Young's most beautiful compositions, with a lyrical melody that connects many key centers. The master take of the original recording has a trio lineup with Larry playing the melody, but there is also a quartet alternate take with Sam Rivers added on tenor sax. We have a quartet lead sheet showing how Rivers plays the melody, and a melody transcription of Larry's trio interpretation.

Larry Young, Jr.

Larry Young, Jr.

Oct 7, 1940 – Mar 30, 1978

Larry Young was one of the most innovative jazz organists of all time. He was the first to develop an original voice on the organ in the post-bop and modal jazz style of the '60s. Later in that decade and into the '70s, he was instrumental in the development of fusion in his work with Miles Davis, John McLaughlin, and Tony Williams. Read more...

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